Doppler guidelines for commentary, comments and letters

Huntsville Doppler wants to hear from our readers. We welcome commentary, letters, and comments.

We do not censor or alter submissions. As long as they follow our guidelines, we print them in their entirety. If they do not meet our guidelines, they will not be posted. Our guidelines are as follows:

Comments on articles and stories and letters to Doppler are welcome. Alternate viewpoints and debates are encouraged. However, we will not publish foul or hateful language, material that is libelous, or personal attacks on individuals not in the public arena. We request that comments be focused and be limited to no more than 250 words. We will limit submissions to two comments per article, letter, or story, from the same individual. Statements of fact must be substantiated. We will not publish information that is factually false.

Commentaries should be between 750 and 1000 words and are subject to the same guidelines as stated above. They should deal with matters of interest to local readers. We ask that a head and shoulders picture and a brief, 3- line biography be submitted with the article.

Please ensure that you include your first and last name and abide by our guidelines.

Hugh Mackenzie


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