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District holding Official Plan open house, stakeholder meetings

The District of Muskoka will host several public open houses and consultations in coming weeks to collect feedback from the community and stakeholders regarding draft official plan policies. The policies have been developed through the Shaping Muskoka Official Plan Review – an exciting project to explore and update the policy framework that will guide growth and physical change across Muskoka for the next 20 years.

“The draft policies set direction for the future of Muskoka and have been developed through careful consideration of provincial policy interests, Muskoka’s unique circumstances and good planning principles,” explains District Chair John Klinck. “More importantly though, the draft policies take into account the community’s vision for the future and we look forward to hearing from the public on what matters most to them.”

Public Open House, Saturday July 15, 2017

An Open House for the general public to provide feedback on the Draft Official Plan Policies will be held from, 9:00-11:00 am at the District of Muskoka Municipal Office, Council Chamber, 70 Pine Street, Bracebridge. There will be a presentation at 9:30 am, followed by an opportunity to ask questions. The project team will be available to provide information on the draft official plan policies and answer additional questions one-on-one for the balance of the Open House.

Resort Industry Stakeholder Meeting, Monday July 17, 2017

A stakeholder meeting for those who own, operate, develop or have an interest in resorts to provide feedback on the Draft Official Plan Policies will be held from, 10:00 am-12:00 pm at the District of Muskoka Municipal Office, Pine Room, 70 Pine Street, Bracebridge. There will be a presentation and facilitated discussion specifically related to proposed resort development policies. As space is limited, RSVP is required.

Development Community Stakeholder Meeting, Monday July 17, 2017

A stakeholder meeting for those who plan, construct, design, sell or have interest in development to provide feedback on the Draft Official Plan Policies will be held from, 1:30-3:30 pm at the District of Muskoka Municipal Office, Pine Room, 70 Pine Street, Bracebridge. There will be a presentation and facilitated discussion specifically related to the proposed policies, with a focus on growth, settlement and housing. As space is limited, RSVP is required.

In addition to those consultation opportunities, the District encourages the community to provide input and feedback into the draft policies by visiting www.muskoka.on.ca/shapingmuskoka. An online comment form is available, as well companion document to assist in review of the draft policies here.

To RSVP for the stakeholder meetings or for additional information about this project, contact Summer Valentine, Director of Planning at 705-645-2100, ext. 388, [email protected]. Copies of the Draft Official Plan Policies and related background materials are available for review online at Muskoka.on.ca and at The District Municipality of Muskoka Planning and Economic Development Department, 70 Pine Street, Bracebridge from 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.

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