The Dyer Memorial Nature Reserve is an important part of the Huntsville community. That was [...]
Tamara de la Vega
Health Unit seeks to close gap on breastfeeding support
A message from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit National Breastfeeding Week in Canada, [...]
Amendments sought for development at 295 Hwy 60
At their October 16, 2024, Planning Council meeting, councillors are expected to hear an [...]
The changing face of policing in Huntsville and Lake of Bays
It’s been ten years since the Huntsville Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police has [...]
Village of Windermere raises more than $83,000 for Terry Fox Run
Calling it the little village that could, District Chair Jeff Lehman spoke about the 25th [...]
Eligible stores prepare for the sale of alcohol in Muskoka
After September 5, all eligible Circle Ks and other convenience stores in Muskoka will start [...]
Olympic Games bring people together despite borders, says doc
Rich Trenholm, a sports medicine physician in Muskoka, said being on Team Canada’s [...]
Early predictions point to a warmer fall and a whirlwind of snow and rain this winter
Weather impacts everything we do and is one of our favourite subjects when engaging in small [...]
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