Anyone with their eyes open is now aware of the attack on Israel on Saturday night by [...]
Hugh Mackenzie
Listen Up! Time to curb spending
This week, Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance will stand in her [...]
Listen Up! My conundrum
There is no question that the war between Israel and Hamas is devastating. Very few people with [...]
Listen Up! The pendulum swings
Recently, in a French Language interview, Justin Trudeau said he thinks every day about [...]
Listen Up! It’s just how government works
There are times when Ontario Premier Doug Ford lets his mouth get ahead of his brain. It may be [...]
Listen Up! We can learn from Brian Mulroney
The death of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney this past week marks the end of an era in [...]
Listen Up! Beware of polarization
Last week I wrote an opinion piece about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin with a sprinkling here [...]
Listen Up! If it quacks like a duck…
Donald Trump is a Russian asset. He may not know it and he may not believe it. Nevertheless, he [...]
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