The Spirit of Patsy Cline Show, starring Christina Hutt and Sean Cotton with his legendary [...]
Douglas McLean
Firearm discharge bylaw being considered by Perry Township Council
At the regular council meeting in August, the Township of Perry received a draft Discharge and [...]
Sound and Sight: Music at the market – The musicians who make farmers’ markets come alive
With autumn colours already starting to appear and summer’s relaxing breezes fading to memory, [...]
Amy Louie Grossman’s Music Scholarship now open to Muskoka musicians
Huntsville and Muskoka musicians, bands, duos, and singer-songwriters are encouraged to [...]
Sound and sight: Jack Gaughan – Guitarist, Songwriter, Producer
A new generation of exciting young musicians and songwriters is emerging throughout the [...]
Sound and sight: Les Stroud – World adventurer turns to music
Well known for his successful television series, books, and as a much sought-after keynote [...]
Sound and sight: William Colgate – Learning to Love Shakespeare
“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and [...]
Tri Council to consider removing ice at Burk’s Falls arena for fall fair
The May 27, 2024, Tri Council meeting (Township of Armour, the Township of Ryerson, and the [...]
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