
A statement from Doppler’s Publisher

Over the past several weeks, Doppler has received a number of communications related to our stance when it comes to antisemitism related to Jewish people. Most of them were not suitable for publication. One individual, whose comment we did not publish, has written to our advertisers accusing us of hate speech and racism toward Palestinians.

First, let me say that we believe that people with attachment to Muskoka and East Parry Sound do not live in a bubble. We are all affected by national and international events, and Doppler, as a major news source here with over 100,000 individual readers, has an obligation to reflect this. 

One cannot deal with the dangerous increase in antisemitism against Jewish people in Canada and around the world without referencing how, this time around,  it came about. In that context, I have previously written about the reality of the situation in that part of the Middle East. 

Hamas is a terrorist organization that governs Gaza and invaded Israel last October,  murdering, raping, and beheading before taking more than 200 hostages, many of whom are either now dead or still in captivity. That is a fact. 

This was an act of war, based on their core objective that “from the river to the sea Palestine shall be free” in plain language refers to the eradication of Jews. I mentioned this briefly in a commentary I wrote in May when I said that “Hamas and most Palestinians are dedicated to the extermination of Jews in the Middle East. It is essentially part of their DNA.”

The reference to DNA was intended as a figure of speech, and in hindsight, I might have used a better analogy. But the verifiable fact remains that many young Palestinians have generationally been indoctrinated at a very early age to hate the Jewish people. As for the Palestinians themselves, polls continue to confirm that the majority support Hamas and their ultimate objective.  

It is clearly against this background that Jewish antisemitism has risen so sharply in Canada. The opening paragraphs in an article written in Saturday’s Toronto Star by Rosie Dimanno entitled “We’ve let antisemitism be normalized, “says it all in her first few paragraphs, which read as follows:

“A home that displays a mezuzah- signifying a covenant with God and blessings on the home – has been defiled with a note that reads: “You and your Jewish family are going to die.” Elsewhere, “Long live Hitler” graffiti-scrawled on the curb. In Toronto, suspected arson at a Jewish-owned grocery store, bullets fired at a Jewish girl’s elementary school, among the targeted attacks included in the most recent hate-crime data provided by police – out of nearly 190 incidents this year, nearly half have been antisemitic.” 

On top of this, there has been a rash of antisemitic hate toward Jewish people, with slogans and vitriol too vicious and too antagonistic to print here. Synagogues and Jewish businesses have been vandalized. Jewish people in Canada clearly feel threatened. Even here in Muskoka, we have heard from Jewish Canadians who are concerned about their safety.

Has Canada come to this?  Is Rosie Dimanno correct when she believes we have allowed antisemitism to become normalized?  If she is, then surely every credible news source in this country, big or small, has an obligation to speak out against it. 

Doppler is on record for opposing hate speech and racism. We have also supported a cease-fire in Gaza for humanitarian reasons. We believe that many innocent Palestinians have been victims of this war initiated by Hamas. 

Of course, Doppler depends on revenue from our advertisers and our generous financial contributors, and we are concerned that some of them have been drawn into this unfortunate situation. But we have faith in them to know that calling out any form of antisemitism is the right thing to do and that the vast majority of people in Muskoka and East Parry Sound would agree with that.


Hugh Mackenzie


Huntsville Doppler

South Muskoka Doppler

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  1. Anna-Lise Kear says:

    Thank you Hugh Holland for the bigger and historical picture. You continue to be a voice of sanity in expanding the scope of an easily divisible viewpoint. How much human suffering will it take in that mid-east region for some bold peacemakers to say “enough is enough”?

  2. Allen Markle says:

    The situation in the Middle East may have roots in the past, but we don’t live there. Our rationalizing and opinions will alter nothing. These discussions seem to only spawn anger and frustration. And that is happening here and now. Maybe a severe letter to Ali Khamenei might be in order but I would be cautious about delivering it in person..

    And it’s from Iran the wars’ direction comes, with Hamas and the Palestinians being nothing but fodder. They are victims of a proxy war with Israel. Ruhollah Khomeini already told us that the martyr shouldn’t be afraid to die because they would go straight to heaven. Only the non believers would suffer hell. Small consolation to those left behind. Much as we Christians might hope for a better place, but are more than a little reticent about making the trip.

    The war will go on ’til Iran allows it to end. It will end no sooner.

    My concern is that the Palestinian hatred and militarism is being brought to my country. And some people seem to be welcoming it. There are wars in Ukraine, Myanmar, Syria and the Sudan as well as a multitude of smaller wars. Conflicts that are as murderous as the conflict in Gaza. But these don’t draw the attention that Gaza does and I fear it’s because they don’t include Israel.

    Might I add that because I share an opinion with someone, that doesn’t make me a fan or a follower. And if I may not share an opinion with someone, why must that mean I have a ‘shallow’ mind? Or is such a comment just a manifestation of frustration, anger and soul searching. Hopefully this conflict is ended soon, but that end is not under our control.

    Now, who wants to deliver that letter?

  3. Dr. Howard Bargman says:

    Bless you, Hugh.

  4. Thomas R Spivak says:

    Hugh, your view is shortsighted and lacks understanding.
    On Oct 7th when this mess started about 38% of Palestinians supported Hamas, now its around 70%, this speaks of the results of punishing an entire group of people for the crimes of the individuals that control them.
    Having said that, recent polls show Palestinian support for Hamas is now waning.
    Should hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians been killed with an atomic bomb because of the leadership of Japan?
    Should hundreds of thousand of German citizens been carpet bombed for the crimes of the Nazis?
    Is this a principle that you condone with a “it serves you right” attitude?
    I think your original DNA remark speaks volumes of your attitude with this gut reaction remark.
    History shows that media can help set the stage for wars and injustice and your current comment will earn you no forgiveness and it shouldn’t.
    You already have your following of sympathisers apparently.
    Shame on those that act as anti semites and those that call for the extinction of Palestinians, you are all wrong, this is far more complicated than your shallow minds can comprehend.
    Perhaps it’s in your DNA?

  5. David Wexler says:

    This is a response to Hugh Holland. Respectfully, the issue at hand is the anti-semitism being allowed to run rampant among your fellow Canadians, Hugh, who happen to be Jewish. This is not about a history lesson…but about what is happening in real time in our country.
    It would be great to have you acknowledge the pain that is being felt by this Canadian community and to express (hopefully) your opposition to what is happening on our campuses, at stores, on our streets and at community schools and houses of worship,

  6. Allen Markle says:

    Supposedly Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all the children of Abraham. However, Hamas demands that both Christian and Jew accept Islamic rule in the region.

    If it is something you are born into, brought up with, and constantly exposed to the ideology of, it may not be in your DNA. But it will be as close as you can get without, say, genetic modification? Those may be the wrong words too, but maybe it’s a concept the mind can postulate but the tongue can’t find the word for.

    Iran directs this war against Israel and will sacrifice Hamas and Palestinians to that end. Let western media do the soul searching. Numbers only matter to the west. And now this hatred is being allowed to fester here in Canada. I don’t want an apology for that, I want a rectification.

  7. Hugh Holland says:

    To understand the dynamics of the so-called Holy Land, one has the go back about 10,000 years. Any short-term look will result in an incomplete understanding.

    James A Michener’s epic book, “The Source” traces the long-term history of the area now known as Israel. It was the hinge through which the first humans emerged from the last ice age and travelled from Africa to populate the rest of the world, and through which all the warring tribes including Genghis Khan’s East-Asian Muslim armies and Europe’s Christian Crusaders raped and pillaged their way from Europe to Asia and vice versa. That history is a Rubic’s Cube if ever there was one, and there are no angels in any of it.

    In the current dispute, Hamas and Hezbollah are simply pawns for Iran. But Iran was radicalized by a UK-US coupe that overthrew Iran’s neutral and democratic government after WW2, installed the brutal Shah, and took away Iran’s control of their own oil fields, leaving Iran a relatively impoverished nation. Obama tried to bring Iran back into the world community with the Iran Nuclear Agreement. But Trump scrapped that agreement (along with everything else Obama did) and re-invigorated Iran’s radicals. So why should Iran trust the west including US-supported Israel?

    The good news is that Iran’s moderates want change, and they just elected a new moderate president who says he is open to talks with the West. This is another opportunity, but if Trump is re-elected, what will be the outcome of those talks?

    Settling old scores is a totally futile exercise. The UN Charter calls for all members to respect each other’s borders at the time it was signed. That is the only hope for peace in the world.

  8. Bill Beatty says:

    There is one simple Truth…Had Hamas not launched their deadly slaughter , We would not be having this discussion and the death toll would not be in the many thousands….Violence begets violence as does racism !

  9. Brenda Goldfarb says:

    Thank you Hugh, for being an island of truth and common sense, in a sea of misinformation. We need more media to see the truth and print it.

  10. David Wexler says:

    Thank you for your clear statement on what is happening in Canada (and around the world). It is re-assuring to note that those fomenting hatred and violence towards fellow Canadians who happen to be either Jewish, or simply supporters of Jews (here or in Israel) being able to live in peace without fear of attack, are a truly insignificant minority, many of whom are ignorant of the facts.
    I have seen such support from mainstream Canadians and from friends and neighbours …such support is only lacking, it seems in publicly funded media and in elected leaders.
    Please do continue to speak up on this and continue to demonstrate the courage of your convictions.
    Your willingness to continue this fight in the face of the bullying and threats that you are receiving gives courage to others who seek signs that speaking out against antisemitism, can be done.
    Thank you for this.

  11. Britt Stevens says:

    Hugh, your “DNA” analogy was a good one and does not require further explanation or any apology. I have recently been to the West Bank for the second time, the Palestinian/Hamas relationship is a complicated one. The Palestinian people were kind and treated me with respect but the tension in their lives was evident.

    The two largest Arab nations in proximity to Gaza would also agree with you. Jordan is helping Israel and Egypt won’t take Palestinian/Arab refugees.

    I have never crossed the border at Rafah but I have crossed at Taba in the south and the King Hussein bridge in the north to Jordan. They are heavily guarded with land mines lining the entire “River” between them. Palestinians or anyone cannot cross without proper ID/permits/documentation and would never attempt a “midnight crossing”. It is nothing like the Mexico/USA border.

    The patience and restraint Israel has demonstrated while fending off tens of thousands of rockets from Gaza over the decades is incredible. Israel’s response this time has been strong and destructive yet they still call ahead, drop thousands of pamphlets and hit buildings with “roof knockers” to warn civilians precisely where they will bomb next.

    The war is a tragedy but could have and can be stopped at anytime. Hamas simply needs to lay down their weapons. I think most Palestinians are good people but as I said earlier their relationship with Hamas really complicates things.

  12. Sonia Grimman says:

    Kathleen, it seems to me that you are a hamas sympathizer. ” The slogan From the river to the sea means exactly what it say: kill the jews and take their land.
    You do not seem to be very educated on the history of Jewish people or Israel. If you would take the time to learn, you would know that ISRAEL was named Palestine by the Romans. There has never been a Palestinian nation or state. All those living in Gaza, their ancestors came from Lebanon, Syria and mostly Jordan. During the Roman occupation of Israel, the people living there were Jews, Bedouin and Druze.
    So, in my opinion, people like you, with zero knowledge, that are radicalized into the terrorist organizations and spread hate, violence, misinformation and antisemitism.
    And if you, for one minute think that the radical islamists aim to get rid of jews only, think again, because Christians will be next.

  13. Colette Grant says:

    Thank you Hugh for your opinion on this topic. I have much respect for the Doppler and its journalists. It is evident that with a readership in excess of 100,000 that most would agree. While some may try splitting hairs on semantics, common sense does prevail. Keep up the good work.

  14. “[…]their core objective that “from the river to the sea Palestine shall be free” in plain language refers to the eradication of Jews.” This is not plain at all. I found this article and the included links to give more nuance to this sometimes controversial slogan.

    Hugh, when you say, “The reference to DNA was intended as a figure of speech, and in hindsight, I might have used a better analogy”, I wonder what you ‘might’ have said instead? Because your next statement doubles down on this assertion, and frankly I don’t think you are really grappling with why this wording is being challenged. Stating that genocidal behaviour is in someone’s DNA is dehumanizing, and dehumanization is the first step to oppression. I hope that you offer a true apology for this language, not this ‘maybe I should have said something different BUT I am right though’.

    So I ask you: what did you actually mean by that comment? If you wished you’d used different language, why don’t you now, and actually apologize for what you said and what it implied?

  15. Lisa Gerrard says:

    thank you for your clear-headed stance on anti-semitism. Social media and many other sources of news have failed the public with propaganda and failure to call out the misinformation propagated by Hamas/Iran. That includes the encampments directed by and financially supported by “Palestinian” agents.