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6 Surprising Ways You’re Self-Sabotaging Your Success

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— Warren Broad is a Huntsville-based Private Counsellor, Marriage and Family Counsellor, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Recovery Specialist. He is the co-author of several books, including the Amazon Best-Seller, “It’s the Landing That Counts” and creator of the Recovery In The Now program for addictions and compulsions. He is a retired volunteer firefighter, and runs a series of group programs for anxiety, depression, marriage, law of attraction, addiction and personal growth.

It sounds crazy, right? Why would anyone want to self sabotage their own success? You think about being successful all the time! The definition of success is different for everyone, but no one strives to fail. There were ideas and aspirations that never took off, but it’s not your fault, right? ‘Things’ happened that were beyond your control. The timing was wrong. You didn’t have the money to make it happen. You didn’t have time. Your partner bailed on the project. The list goes on… but none of it was in your control and it wasn’t your fault. Right?

The fact is, many of us are self-sabotaging our own achievements time and time again, in subtle ways. You might even say, most of us do it until we learn to recognize the signs.

Believe it or not, your own mind is working against your own success! Your mind knows that almost 100% of the time, success includes higher levels of accountability and responsibility. Deep down your mind may not want that. It’s way easier to be unsuccessful, and free of any responsibility.

By learning to identify self-sabotage and stop it in it’s tracks, it’s amazing what you can accomplish. Suddenly the barriers disappear, things start to happen and before you know it…you succeed in knocking your goals down one by one. Your mind becomes trained to identify success as a ‘known’ and ‘normal’ process that it doesn’t need to fear. You are able to handle it with ease. That’s when success becomes yours!

  1. Avoiding Change
    Change always has the potential for failure, and this creates fear and hesitancy. Keeping us safe is the mind’s job, and the best way to stay safe is to do what you’ve always done. It also is what is easiest! However, it’s change that will bring you success. Identifying the desire to stay safe and avoid change is perhaps the biggest downfall of achieving success. Learning to embrace change in small areas of your life will help you gain acceptance and discover the benefits. Then, make those changes bigger, and bigger. Before you know it, change won’t be as scary as it once was.
  2. Dwelling on too many options
    When you have too many options in play, procrastination and stagnation become easy. You don’t want to make the wrong choice, right?? So, let’s just ponder our options for a while. And a while longer. And…some more. This is an incredibly successful tool that mind uses so avoid change and responsibility. It has also become an acceptable norm to label yourself ‘a procrastinator’. The number one way out of dwelling on all the options is to ask; What is the first immediate small step I need to take to achieve this goal? Now take one step to get there. Just pick one. The one that makes the most sense.
  3. When the going gets tough… quit!
    We’ve all faced roadblocks at some point. Some keep blazing through, but many of us just stop the car, turn around, and try to figure out some other way to get there. But the truth is, there’s only one road and you need to drive through the road block. Take a risk. Do the work! One of universal laws in achieving anything of significance is knowing it won’t be easy. Struggle and challenge will be part of achieving your goals. Being realistic from the beginning can offset the surprises and inevitable challenges. Big things aren’t just dropped in your lap.
  4. Letting others monopolize your time
    It is far easier to have someone else be your priority than yourself! And you are a giver. A generous, good person who likes to help others. That’s a good thing- to an extent. But where have you been allowing others to absorb your time attention and energy, and how is it ultimately affecting your ability to manage your life? Is it your kids? Your spouse? Your parents or friends? If the excuse in your head is often that the needs of a friend or family member takes priority over you, than it may be time to readdress your role in the relationship. You need to be on your own priority list.
  5. Spend all your time planning, and not doing
    We have all met those people who have massive plans to achieve their goals. And every time you talk to them, you’re brought up to date on the newest “plans” for what they are about to achieve. Before anything ever happens, the plans need to be finished or they change and become new plans that are bigger and better. Don’t be the person that sits on the plans and never takes action! Planning will only take you so far. At some point, you need to hold on to your vision and get your feet wet! Inevitably, things will change along your route and the plans will need to change. You can’t plan for every ending, every scenario and every obstacle.
  6. Perfectionism
    Life is not perfect and neither are you. Forget about how good it needs to be. Just start taking action. Thomas Edison had hundreds of prototypes for the light bulb before creating the light bulb as we know it today. Most of the products and services you use in everyday life are revisions to an earlier model. Although it may seem that trying to achieve perfection means you are striving for success, in reality it can be your demise. Accept that things might not be perfect, and that there will always be revisions along the way.

Breaking down these 6 barriers to success are a sure-fire way to seeing more success in your life, but they require honesty with yourself. Are you ready to be honest? If so, there’s no doubt you’ll end up with a lot more success in your life.

-Warren Broad
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