Welcome to Wayback Wednesday sponsored by Cavalcade Color Lab! Every week, we’ll be sharing a vintage photo and asking our readers to chime in with anything you can recall about the photo, other related memories, or even a funny caption. Have some vintage photos of your own? Send them to [email protected] and we may share them with our readers!
Scroll down to see last week’s photo.
This 1980s photo of the old Empire Hotel offers a very different view compared to what’s at the corner of Main and Centre today. It’s still private property, but if you had the chance to redevelop the lot and money was no object, what would you build here? (Photo by Dr. N.E. Hunt courtesy of Muskoka Digital Archives.)
Wayback Wednesday is sponsored by Cavalcade Color Lab
Last week we shared this photo with you:
This is a 1936 image of the Bayview Lodge & Restaurant, owned by the Muskoka Wood Manufacturing Company and which was used primarily as a boarding house for their workers. (Details and photo courtesy of the Muskoka Heritage Place collection.)
If you want to see more Wayback Wednesday photos, click here.
What a great place to live, right in the centre of town, near everything. I would like the TOWN to build luxury condos there, stepped back from the road with an attractive garden/cafe at the front, perhaps glassed in. There would be an underground car park for residents and others (not sure about charging for parking as it’s free elsewhere in town).
AND The reason the Town would be the contractor (as happens now in many boroughs in London UK) is that the profits would pay for building affordable housing, for example where the current Curling Club now sits.
I’d like to see a Boutique/Hotel in that location. Several floors for year-round residents and several floors for hotel guests. A lovely dining room and small lounge. Who wouldn’t like to live in downtown Huntsville? It’s a win-win.
How about a 5 star international hotel?
I think The Huntsville Sheraton would become a destination location overnight.
Also has amazing under ground parking.
Hospitality creates hundreds of jobs.
Just takes a couple of phone calls to get the ball rolling.